Tuesday, December 31, 2024

What's next? Apart from 2025...

As you probably know, last month I published Brenda's Story, Book 3 in the Escape Route Series. Not only has she been selling well, Books 1 and 2, Caitlin's Escape Route, and Sally's Story are also selling steadily. 

Since pushing the button on Brenda, I have been polishing Book 4, Gerry's Story. She should be ready for publication in February 2025. At the same time, I have been working on Book 5, which is in a rough draft state, but basically the story is written. Now comes the revision-edit-repeat process. 

While doing all that, I am also allowing Book 6 to germinate in the back of my mind. Yes there will be a 6 and possibly a 7, though I'm not yet certain about that. 

Rest assured, as each book comes off the production line, I'll announce it here, on my FaceBook page, and via ads on FaceBook. Plus, if you follow me on Amazon, you'll be automatically advised of new publications as they happen. 

Every time I finish a first draft I get a minor panic attack, afraid I have no more stories to tell. The reason that thought scares me is, if I don't write, what would I do all day? I guess I could sit at my desk, play solitaire and try to think of something to write. Definitely not as satisfying as actually writing a book. 

One of the things that gives me the most satisfaction is discovering how much my readers enjoy the stories I dream up. From review to comments on my web page, or on my ads, plus likes and shares of those ads. It's very gratifying.

So, if you've read all three books and are waiting for book 4, why not go write a review on Amazon? I would really appreciate it.

Happy New Year!

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Reviews sell books. At least that's what I have heard. But you have to sell books in order to get reviews, in theory. And, do the review...