Wednesday, September 11, 2024

And Book 2 in the Escape Route Series is live

As promised in my last post, Sally's Story is now live and available on Amazon. In paperback, ebook and on Kindle Unlimited (KU). I'm actually surprised and pleased at the number of sales already, in particular, the number of KU reads. For those of you who are not familiar with KU, it's a subscription program on Amazon, you pay a montly fee and for that you can read as many books enrolled in the program as you wish. The advantage is that if you start a book you don't like, you can drop it and find something else, no extra cost. For authors, we get paid per page read. Now, it isn't a huge amount per page, but if you keep reading, it mounts up. And the measure of a book is how many people keep reading. 

What's very gratifying is that there has also been a surge of interesting Caitlin's Escape Route, the first book in the series. I had read that would be likely to happen, I just didn't really believe it. I believe it now. I do wish that more people would take the time to write a review. Not only does it help readers to get a better idea of the book, before they decide to read it, but it is difficult being an author. You spend months, sometimes years working on a book then, when you finally push the button to publish it, the silence can be deafening. It would be wonderful to see what readers think about it, good, bad or indifferentjust something is better than silence. And, books with reviews tend to sell better. To those of you who did take the time, thank you!

Talking about pushing the button. That's more difficult than actually writing the book. You read, listen, revise and repeat so many times, it is hard to know, or accept, when the book is ready to go out into the world. But, push it I did and now I am ready to get on with revising book number three, Brenda's Story. I expect to push the button on her around Christmas time. I know, I keep talking about that button. It's scary.

Meanwhile, you can find Sally's Story on Amazon, here. And if you would like to follow me on Amazon, my author page is here

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Why do I write?

Lots of reasons. The main one is that I can't not write. I'm not saying my head is bursting with stories that can't wait to turn...